9 Things We Can Be Grateful for During the Pandemic

Given the general feeling of uncertainty we are all experiencing due to the ongoing global pandemic, it’s easy to get caught in a spiral of negative thoughts. It’s hard to feel optimistic.

That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important to practice gratitude and recognize the silver linings hiding in those big, dark clouds.

Whether you simply have moments of silent reflection to think about the things that you’re grateful for or you actively write in a gratitude journal each day, practicing gratitude can be both cathartic and healing.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of 9 things we can be grateful for during the pandemic.


Your own health

Be grateful that you are strong and in good health. Say “thank you” to your body for all it does and all it has gone through over the years.

Family and friends

Whether they live in our same household or only see them over Zoom or Facetime occasionally, our family and friends are what’s really getting us through this. Their ongoing support, words of encouragement, shoulders to cry on, and moments of laughter are something to be grateful for.

Your Nanny family

Many families are also facing financial hardships and uncertainty, yet they still see the value in having you on as their Nanny. Have gratitude for the family that continues to employ you during this time when so many others have lost their source of income. Thank the little ones as well -- for the joy, wonder, and curiosity they continue to bring into your life.

The gift of time

Without all of the usual social obligations and everyday responsibilities, many of us have more time on our hands than ever before. We are able to do things that we wouldn’t normally have time for -- organizing, DIY projects, hobbies, reading, learning new skills, catching up on our Netflix watch list, and so on. Sometimes it may feel like all we have is time, but when we reflect on the alternative, we realize that this is actually something to be thankful for.

Less social pressure

Homebodies rejoice! Is there a better excuse to decline a social invitation than a global pandemic? We don’t think so. Your introverted side is grateful for the opportunity to recharge and engage in some self-care.


These past 2 years have given us the time to sit back and really figure out what’s important in life. We’ve gained insight and clarity, allowing our priorities to shift. If you’re finding that you’re not sweating the small stuff as much as you did before, be grateful for this increased time for self-reflection.


The societal changes and restrictions we’ve had to adapt to these past few months have forced us to get creative and find new ways of doing things. Have gratitude for our collective creativity and imagination!

The benefits for our planet

The earth says “thank you” and we should feel grateful too. Fewer emissions mean we’re reducing our global carbon footprint, making the air cleaner for all. In some parts of the world, coral reefs are actually starting to grow again. Venice’s waterways are cleaner than they’ve been in decades.

Our planet is slowly starting to heal and that is something to be incredibly thankful for!


The message everywhere is “we’re all in this together”. People are coming together to help each other out, we’re showing appreciation for our essential workers, and we’re finding that we are stronger and our voices are louder when we stand together. Have gratitude for the solidarity that we are demonstrating.


The Nannies on Call team is grateful for all the wonderful Nannies who have stood by us through these difficult times. We truly wouldn’t be here today without you. Thank you!

Looking for a rewarding career as a professional Nanny in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto or Ottawa? Join our pool of extraordinary, professional Nannies for our in-home Babysitting service! Get started here.

We can also help you find permanent nanny positions via our sister site dedicated to Nanny placements, The Nanny Solution.


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