5 Things You Can Do for Your Nanny Career From Home

As a professional nanny, you might find yourself at home with some unexpected downtime. Maybe you’ve taken some time off nannying, or are currently in-between nanny jobs.

While it's nice to relax in the comfort of your own space, the pause in your regular routine can bring its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining your career momentum.

Being at home doesn't have to mean a standstill for your professional life as a nanny. In fact, it can be a valuable opportunity to enhance your skills and prepare for your next role.

There are several proactive steps you can take to ensure you're ready to jump back into the workforce with confidence. Parents are always in need of quality childcare, and by staying prepared, you can position yourself as a top candidate for future opportunities.

So, let's get started on shaping your career path from the comfort of your home, setting the stage for success when you're ready to return to work!

1. Update your Nanny resume

Be honest. When’s the last time you had a look at your nanny resume? If it’s been a while, you’re going to need to update it.

Start by adding your most recent childcare experience, whether it was a regular placement with a family or casual babysitting. You can also add volunteer positions that include working with children.

Remember, you need to be adding professional experience, so if you babysat casually for friends or family, those don’t count.

2. Contact your past employers and ask for references

This goes hand in hand with updating your resume. When you apply to new positions, you’re going to need to provide written references, typically from people who have supervised you as a nanny or childcare provider for a consistent period of time.

At Nannies on Call, we require 2 written references related to childcare jobs you’ve had. Now is the time to ask for those important documents.

3. Upgrade your skills with online resources

There are many online resources out there to help Nannies upgrade their skills and knowledge bank. Here are some to get you started:

Nanny Professional Development Opportunities - Check out this Facebook group for information on professional development opportunities. These include information about conferences, online workshops, classes, local events, etc. This is a PUBLIC group so all posts are visible.

Ask the Nanny- Ask The Nanny is a resource to help educate nannies and parents about the many facets of nannying, providing professional development through weekly Facebook Live podcast. They also encourage and provide scholarships for nannies to take continuing education training and empower the nanny community to be proud of who they are and what they do in the lives of each family they work with.

Nanny Care Hub: Nanny Care Hub is where you'll find expert resources, upcoming training, hot jobs and information about everything nanny.

Nanny Magazine - A newsletter for the in-home childcare industry. They provide trusted advice, industry news and insights and the inspiration you need to be the best nanny you can be.

Duolingo- Bilingual nannies are in high demand. Maybe now is the time to learn that second language.

Rouxbe Cooking Classes- Rouxbe cooking lessons allow you to learn about a specific, focused subject matter. Each lesson includes instructional topic videos, practice exercises and recipes, and an interactive quiz.

Columbia University - Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Some Columbia University courses can be audited free or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Select a course to learn more.

4. Update or refresh your Nanny Bag

Babysitting nannies at Nannies on Call have a nanny bag. Why? To help break the ice with the children they meet during babysitting appointments and to keep them engaged with a new craft, toy, game or book.

The best Nanny bags can be created inexpensively by putting together age-appropriate items from your own collection, simple crafts from the dollar store, and by taking books out from your local library.

Be creative! And remember to include any hobbies or things you can teach kids to do.

Looking for more ideas? We compiled a list of our Top 10 Must-Haves for Your Nanny Bag.

5. Read a nanny or child development book or online resource

Good books can definitely help you to expand your nanny knowledge base. If money’s tight and you can’t invest in buying new books or e-books at the moment (completely understandable), use Google!

Some keywords you can search for: child development, toddler discipline, infant & toddler activities, children’s meals, indoor activities for kids, etc.

You can also make this a group activity. If you have other nanny friends or colleagues, then share resources and set up group conversations around nanny topics you’re all interested in.

And there you have it. Five things you can do for your Nanny career from the comfort of your couch. Take action now knowing that you’ll be ready to jump back into your Nanny career, fully prepared.

Looking for a rewarding career as a professional Nanny in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto or Ottawa? Join our pool of extraordinary, professional Nannies for our in-home Babysitting service! Get started here.

We can also help you find permanent nanny positions via our sister site dedicated to Nanny placements, The Nanny Solution.


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