The 7 must-have characteristics of an extraordinary Nanny

Extraordinary nanny from Nannies on Call Canada

What qualities make for the most successful and most appreciated Nannies?⁠ ⁠

The ones both parents and children love? The ones that always have a full calendar of families requesting their babysitting services?

During our 21+ years of working with Nannies and Families in the nanny industry, we’ve had the opportunity to speak with thousands of parents about their experiences with nannies working in their homes.

In particular, we wanted to know which nannies were a hit with both children and parents and why. So we analyzed the feedback of hundreds of families who worked with occasional nannies during babysitting appointments.

What we learned is that across the board, the best, most extraordinary nannies all have 7 specific qualities or characteristics that make them ultra-desirable by families.

Here are the 7 must-have characteristics of an extraordinary nanny:

  1. Reliable and punctual

    These two things may seem like a given, but many nannies who are fantastic childcare providers are not necessarily reliable or punctual.

    The kids may be happy and entertained, but if the nanny is always arriving late then it’s a huge inconvenience for parents.

    What sets a good nanny from a fantastic nanny is one that parents can rely on to consistently show up as scheduled and on time. Every time.

  2. Organized and Prepared

    The best nannies arrive prepared with a Nanny Bag and a plan of how they’re going to spend the day with the children.

    They plan the children’s food, snacks, toys, games, and activities in advance. They follow the parents’ communication guidelines. They know what to do in case of an emergency. They also have a backup plan and a backup plan for the backup plan. See what we’re saying?

    A fantastic nanny is ready for any eventuality.

  3. Flexible

    A great nanny follows the children’s schedule but also goes with the flow depending on the situation. They know that things don’t always go as planned and they are ready to adapt and make changes as needed.

  4. Adaptable

    Along the same lines as being flexible, the best nannies adapt to the childcare style of the family they’re working with, rather than impose their own methods and preferences.

    Over time, and in consultation with parents, they can implement their own childcare strategies to improve the children’s experience or to help address any behaviour issues, for example.

  5. Excellent communicator

    A huge part of a nanny’s success depends on their ability to communicate clearly with both parents and children. The best nannies pay special attention to keeping good, regular written and oral communication with parents. This is typically done at the beginning and end of their workday, or as needed.

    Likewise, they communicate with the children in their care clearly, using language they can understand.

  6. Creative and fun

    The best nannies have a creative approach to childcare that goes beyond your typical “playing games” and “doing crafts”.

    Our most successful nannies combine their own strengths and hobbies with the interests of the children to create experiences that are both tailor-made and memorable.

    Some of our best nannies are known for creating elaborate magician kits, teaching children math and language skills through songs and cooking, and teaching little ones outdoor skills through exploration and play - to name a few examples.

  7. Easily connects and engages with children and parents

    It’s not a coincidence that Nannies who make a real effort to genuinely connect with parents and children end up being the most liked and requested.

    We all tend to gravitate and like people who show an interest in us. Great nannies understand this and apply strategies to win over the children in their care quickly while putting parents at ease.

Anatomy of an extraordinary nanny - 7 must-have characteristics

Looking for a rewarding career as a professional Nanny in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto or Ottawa? Join our pool of extraordinary, professional Nannies for our in-home Babysitting service! Get started here.

We can also help you find permanent nanny positions via our sister site dedicated to Nanny placements, The Nanny Solution.


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