The Ultimate Summer Nanny Safety Guide for Stress-Free Outings

Summer’s here, and everyone's enjoying the outdoors. So today, we're going over nanny essentials to ensure your summer outings are safe.

Watch our video post on YouTube for a more in-depth discussion on this topic. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more helpful tips and advice!

Preparation is key to ensuring you enjoy your summer outings with the kids safely. Let's review the top ones.

1. Sun Protection: It is crucial to apply sunscreen regularly throughout the day. If you’re planning a park or beach outing, remember to pack hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen so you can reapply. 

Applying sunscreen to children can be very difficult. We recently saw someone online who used a paintbrush to paint on the sunscreen, which is a great idea because children love face painting. You can pretend you're doing a bit of face painting to get all the sunscreen applied evenly and fully.

2. Hydration: These days, we can't go anywhere without seeing a child with a water bottle. It’s important to stay hydrated, especially during the hot summer months. So, pack water bottles filled with icy cold water, and avoid sugary drinks.

3. Clothing and Footwear: Make sure children are wearing the appropriate footwear for the activity they're doing. If they're riding bikes, closed-toed shoes instead of sandals are appropriate. Light and comfortable clothing is perfect for going to the park or the beach. Avoid dark colours like black because you can quickly overheat when wearing all black in the summer.

4. Safety Gear: If you’re taking the kids bike riding, they’ll need helmets. You'll need life jackets if you're going on the water, paddle boarding, or boating. Pack all the necessary safety gear for you and the kids.

5. Supervision and Headcount: It's easy to manage outings when caring for only one or two children. But if you're taking a group of children to the park, the zoo, or any activity, you must do regular headcounts as they can wander off in different directions. If you look after multiple children, use the buddy system so they can also be involved in their safety.

6. Emergency Preparation: Always carry a fully stocked first aid kit. We love the little ones with band-aids, Polysporin, eye drops, and lip balm. If the children in your care have allergies, always ensure you have their EpiPen in your nanny bag. And, of course, your cell phone should be fully charged if you're out all day. In an emergency, you must be ready to call parents or 911.

7. Stranger Danger and Boundaries: Before heading out for the day, sit down and talk to the children about stranger danger and boundaries. What are your expectations for how close they stay to you? How far can they go into the water? Can they walk down the street by themselves? Depending on their age, there will be different boundaries and expectations.

Summer is a great way to make memories with the kids and keep them active outdoors. But remember, safety should be your top priority. Follow this checklist to prepare for this summer!

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