How to Prepare to Welcome a Nanny into Your Home for Babysitting Appointments

If you’ve booked a nanny for a babysitting appointment through Nannies on Call for the first time, and you’re wondering what happens after you book a nanny for occasional babysitting, then read on. This post is for you!

Ok. So you’ve booked a nanny and you’re thrilled to have a professional come to your home to care for your little ones.

But, what happens next?

Before the Nanny arrives, you need to prepare.

Prepare your home and family to welcome the Nanny

  1. Let the children know a Nanny is coming so they can get used to the idea and have something to look forward to (i.e. a day of fun with a new playmate!).

  2. Have a plan for the Nanny to follow and put it in writing. This can include the children’s schedule, allergies/special needs, important dos and don’ts you want the Nanny to know, and emergency contact numbers.

  3. Set aside everything the Nanny will need during the appointment. This includes things like the stroller, special blankets, diaper bag, umbrella, your children’s coats, boots, hats, sunscreen, an extra change of clothes, etc.

  4. Remember: Nannies on Call nannies can perform all of the duties related to the care of your children, but they don’t perform any general housekeeping or cooking duties. This is true for most professional nannies. They’re there to care for the children only.

  5. If necessary, you’ll be able to contact your scheduled Nanny by phone or text via the Nannies on Call platform starting 3 hours before your appointment begins, and up to 12 hours after the scheduled end time.

See: How to Handle Babysitting Appointments and Child Illnesses like a Proactive Parent

What happens when the Nanny arrives?

The Nanny’s here!

When the Nanny arrives, you’ll want to spend the first 20 to 30 minutes:

  • introducing them to the kids,

  • sharing the schedule/expectations, and

  • showing them the areas of your home where they’ll be caring for the children.

Be clear about whether you prefer that they stay home during the appointment, or if it’s ok for them to go outside for playtime, weather permitting. If you’re asking the Nanny to take the kids out of your home, you’ll also need to give them any entry codes and house keys.

Discuss how you’ll be communicating with the Nanny during the appointment. Will you be calling in or texting? Or do you want the Nanny to text you only if there’s an emergency? Set the boundaries that work for both of you.

Set your expectations, then let the Nanny take over. They’re professionals and know what to do.

What happens at the end of the babysitting appointment?

Debrief with the Nanny

It’s easy to rush the end of the appointment, especially if the Nanny has had a long day with the children. However, in our experience, the end of the appointment is just as important as the beginning.

Speak with the Nanny to ask how everything went.

  • Did the kids have a good time?

  • Was the Nanny able to follow your instructions/schedule?

  • Is there anything that you need to know before the Nanny leaves?

Pay the Nanny

Remember to pay the Nanny and add a tip if you think they were amazing and went above and beyond. The nanny will definitely appreciate your generosity and may be more willing to work with you again in the future!

What’s next?

If you live in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto or Ottawa, we’d love to help you book an occasional nanny for an in-home babysitting appointment. Get started here!


10 Mistakes to Avoid When Booking a Nanny with Nannies on Call


How to Handle Babysitting Appointments and Child Illnesses Like a Proactive Parent